Factional facial rejuvenation

for and against fractional facial skin rejuvenation

Factional facial rejuvenation is a laser procedure used for various skin problems. Perfectly removes hyperpigmentation, acne scars, wrinkles, and leaves the face young and fresh.

Due to its effectiveness, this cosmetic method is very popular among clinic patients.

How does fractional facial rejuvenation differ from laser coating and other procedures

Fractional rejuvenation uses non-ablative lasers that do not cause severe heating and do not injure the skin. The laser beam passes through the fractional grating, splitting into many small “rays” that heat the target tissue rather than destroying it. Laser energy creates tiny hot “nodules” on the skin that stimulate the growth of new, healthy cells that replace old damaged cells.

Raising the temperature stimulates the production of collagen proteins at the points of laser penetration. This triggers a rejuvenation process that takes place from within, affecting all skin structures. The gentle effect and a little trauma are especially important in rejuvenating the face, because the skin here is especially thin and vulnerable.

After the procedure, the face looks prettier and younger. Wrinkles, age spots, sagging, acne scars, enlarged pores and other imperfections disappear. Because point effects occur during fractional rejuvenation, and the device controls the depth of air penetration, the skin is less injured than by sanding or chemical peels.

The laser is so gentle that most patients go through it without anesthesia. For added convenience, the cooling element is built directly into the soldering iron of the device. In case of hypersensitivity, an anesthetic gel is used.

Because the laser used for fractional rejuvenation is gentle on the skin, several treatments are needed to achieve the desired results. The resulting effect is not inferior to other, more traumatic anti-aging methods.

Indications and contraindications for fractional facial rejuvenation

  • Age changes- the procedure improves the complexion. Signs of aging are removed - fine lines, wrinkles, age spots caused by the deposition of lipofuscin pigment.
  • Acne scars (post-acne)- in the treatment of acne scars, the procedure works more effectively than creams, masks, serums and other external means. The laser beam penetrates the skin to a depth of 1 mm and destroys the scar. No cosmetic product can do that.
  • Postoperative and traumatic scars- laser removes or makes less visible traces of surgery, medical procedures, injuries and burns.
  • Pigmented spots- fractional rejuvenation of the face, pigment accumulations caused by age processes, sun exposure, hormonal surges during pregnancy and destruction of drugs. During the procedure, the dark lesions on the face gradually lighten and disappear.

Thanks to its gentle action, the procedure has the fewest contraindications. These are purulent skin lesions, herpes, pronounced inflammatory process, malignant tumors, open wounds and scratches, pregnancy. Fractional rejuvenation at elevated temperature and malaise is not recommended.

Preparation for fractional facial rejuvenation and procedure

One week before the first laser treatment, you should stop using cosmetics with retinoids - derivatives of vitamin A. These substances increase the photosensitivity of the skin and can cause the appearance of age spots.

Before the procedure, the specialist treats the skin with products that purify the facial skin and improve the penetration of the laser beam. The eyes are protected by special goggles. The laser is aimed at an area where there are skin problems - uneven texture, increased pigmentation, wrinkles and other imperfections.

After that, a rejuvenation session is performed lasting 20-50 minutes. The doctor ensures careful treatment of all the necessary areas. Laser exposure is not accompanied by pain and discomfort. Only warmth and light tingling are felt which do not create discomfort. After the procedure, you can leave the clinic immediately.

What happens after fractional facial rejuvenation

Slight redness and swelling of the face may occur after the procedure, but the skin will not be very red and dandruff. In a few days it all disappears.

To achieve the full result, it is recommended to do 3-5 sessions with an interval of 2-6 weeks. Then the results of laser rejuvenation will not be inferior to the effect achieved after mechanical coating and other cosmetic methods.

photography before and after fractional skin rejuvenation

The effect is not immediately visible and depends on existing problems. Pigmented spots lighten in one or two sessions, scars and wrinkles can be removed in 3-5 clinic visits. After the procedure, the skin condition will improve for another six to eight weeks.

During the first week after the procedure, a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, should be applied to the skin twice a day. This will help prevent dandruff and skin irritation. Washing with ice water gives a good effect. Useful intake of ascorbic acid - vitamin C.

After laser exposure, you need to protect your skin from UV rays, so moisturizing sunscreen should be applied for a month. You cannot sunbathe and use the solarium.

It is forbidden to apply the preparations on the face that is not recommended by a cosmetologist. This can lead to the appearance of age spots, irritation, peeling and infection.

Fractional facial rejuvenation gives good results that last up to two years. To maintain the effect, you need to use care products and regularly do other cosmetic procedures that slow down aging.